- Dairy Science and Technology
- Ice cream has a long history as a popular dairy food item. It has evolved from a manually manufactured household product to a very automated industrial product. This is the ice cream homepage, a subset of the Dairy Technology Education Series. If you have come to this page directly, then you can go back to the beginning to start learning about dairy science and technology and dairy products. This section on ice cream is fairly extensive and covers many interesting and helpful topics. Enoy Ice Cream.
- Dairy Science and Technology - Professor Douglas Goff -
- This is an educational site focused on milk, dairy products, and dairy technology. It was developed (originally in 1995) for use with an undergraduate course in dairy processing at the University of Guelph. It is now available as a resource for university and secondary school students, industry personnel, and interested consumers around the world. This site was developed and is continually maintained by:
Professor Douglas Goff - University of Guelph - Canada.
- Ice Cream University -
- Malcolm Stogo has been in the forefront in developing today's ice cream concepts leap years ahead of the industry. He is the author of ICE CREAM & Frozen Desserts, co-author of ICE CREAM CAKES, and author of a new book titled How To Succeed in the Incredible Ice Cream Business. Visit http://malcolmstogo.com
- In every industry, there are a few individuals who are considered the best. Bill Lambert fits in that category. He has for the last 50 years, been involved in almost every phase of ice cream production (ice cream mixes, continuous freezing production and the use of stabilizers and flavors).
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