Zaphod Beeblebrox

Zaphod Beeblebrox - Ottawa, Canada.

The web site has been up since April, 1997. I worked closely with my webmaster to design an informative, fast site, with very little graphics. After checking many other web sites I found that those that were heavy in graphics, especially on the opening pages, took too long to load and I would lose interest. I have targeted the site to a variety of audiences:
  1. Local concert and nightclub goers. They already know both nightclubs and after their first log-on to the site they mainly want the new concert and event updates. Lots of the club regulars have our site bookmarked. Many of them have signed on for the "cookies" which automatically notifies them of updates to the web site. We have given away fridge magnets with our web site URL on it and that has greatly increased the hits on the site. We also distribute approximately 4000 concert-schedule flyers at both clubs over the course of the month, and our web site address is prominently displayed. Our URL is also in our display ads in the local weekly arts & entertainment tabloid.

  2. Global net-surfers are another target audience. I recall using the Internet myself to glean information about a prospective travel destination. Both, prospective travellers and anyone worldwide interested in music may discover our presence on the net. Also, since many bands featured at the club are of worldwide stature, searches on their sites may bring them to us. Overall, its a great vehicle of goodwill for the clubs and our city.

  3. Artists that are booked into the clubs or want to obtain information about the clubs also find the web site helpful. They can call up the equipment specifications of the club, directions, places to stay and music equipment stores in the ares.

Any web site is always a work in progress, or should be! Therefore we are continually looking at ways to improve and add stuff. We hope to have a survey up and running soon and a winner will win a super prize package. From the information culled we will be able to develop a subscriber list and profiles, along with information about what they like on the web site and what other improvements they would like to see.

We have received hits from around the world, including Japan, U.K., Australia, Norway, Netherlands, etc.

The site has been very helpful for business and many of our customers have said that they use it religiously. The hits to the site have grown in leaps and bounds. Hopefully someday we may be able to use the site to sell banner advertising, etc. for appropriate businesses and social groups. That decision will be a difficult one to make as I would prefer to remain autonomous. Time will tell.

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